Parents/caregivers seeking to enroll a student at Delhi Public School Rohtak must take an admission test and the admission in Delhi Public School Rohtak is primarily based on this test.
Parents/caregivers seeking to enroll a student at Delhi Public School Rohtak must give a commitment to supporting the mission and values of the School and have demonstrated a commitment to their own faith tradition as evidenced by their involvement in their own culture and have respect for all cultures.
Each application which gives evidence of meeting the primary criteria for enrolment will be considered by the Principal on its merits having regard to the priority order and factors detailed below. The final decision of an offer of enrolment rests with the Principal.
In the determination of enrolments, particularly where applications exceed places within a priority category, the following factors will be considered:
- The student’s past behavior and commitment at school.
- The School’s ability to cater for the specific talents and needs of each person.
- Special consideration will be given to the enrolment of students who are materially, socially, spiritually or emotionally disadvantaged.
Date of receipt of applications may be used if all other priorities and factors prove equal.
Where applications are received for students with special educational needs, the application will, in the first instance, be considered according to the enrolment process outlined above. In addition, an enrolment support process examining the physical, human, curriculum and financial resources of the School and the needs of the student, will be undertaken. Non-disclosure of known special needs may have significant implications for the ongoing support of a student seeking enrolment and may result in the cancellation of the enrolment process.